presented by Mary, the Queen of Heaven and earth,
for the final battle towards the final victory
of the Light and Love in the world

Myriam van Nazareth

August 2024

In Her recent teaching The nature of evil the Queen of Heaven reminded of Her extraordinary Revelation of December 2006, in which She explained the history of the origin of evil. In it, She demonstrated unequivocally that it is not God who is to blame for the evil in the world, but the human souls who throughout the centuries have unrestrainedly followed inspirations from the prince of darkness, the fallen former archangel Lucifer (Satan), who had sworn an oath to prevent the accomplishment of God’s Plans and Works in creation by undermining in the very core of their being the human souls, who were provided by God to be the crowning glory of His Works of creation, so that they would no longer be able to function as pure instruments in God’s hand, instruments for sowing and watering the seed of True Love. True Love is, after all, the only remedy against the ill weeds of darkness in the world.

The Holy Virgin has already shown abundantly how much the darkness is responsible for all the suffering, misery, chaos, unhappiness, injustice and strife in the world. Because of this, the world is immersed in an atmosphere that is the opposite of the atmosphere God intended for His creation.

God wanted to free the human souls of the darkness in three phases:

1. The Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary as a preparation for the Messiah’s Works of Redemption. This first phase was God’s first response to the declaration of war waged by the darkness against the Light (with the first apparent victory of the darkness being original sin). The nature of the Immaculate Conception and the purpose of this unique privilege are clearly explained as the second milestone in the teaching Fifteen milestones of the unique power of the Holy Virgin. The unique privilege of the Immaculate Conception had to find its true fulfilment through a human soul that would lead a perfectly sinless life and would therefore be able to be the perfect instrument for the Incarnation of the Son of God, who had to come into the world for the purpose of accomplishing the Works of Redemption.

2. The Incarnation and the redemptive Passion of Jesus Christ. By virtue of a Divine Decree, trials and sufferings endured in a physical human body would help to ensure the victory of the Light over the darkness, provided:

  • these trials and sufferings are borne without any protest and in perfect self-denying Love for God and all His Plans and Works and for all creatures, and
  • these trials and sufferings are expressly offered to God out of an all-pervading desire that they may help unlock His Works and Plans for the complete fulfilment of His Law and of His Plan of Salvation for all creation.

This Divine disposition would find its first concrete effect in the Divine Embodiment of the Law of Love: Jesus Christ. God desires a faithful imitation of the example of Christ by every human soul. It is precisely in this desire that He has hidden the great secret of the final victory of the Light:

The more human souls spontaneously, unconditionally, selflessly, whole-heartedly and persistently put into practice the Law of True Love in all the details of their lives, the more the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation will be advanced.

3. The establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, which was provided by a Divine Promise that will be fulfilled with absolute certainty in God’s Time. The condition for this fulfilment is that the human souls would live their one life on earth in faithful imitation of the Spirit of Christ. In the promised establishment of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in and among all creatures on earth lies precisely the deep purpose of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.

God intended His creation to be a perfect material (i.e. physical) reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven. He gave concrete expression to His intention in the Earthly Paradise, which was indeed a kingdom of absolutely perfect Love, Peace and harmony in and between the first creatures. The mirror was broken by the original sin, and got increasingly cracked by all subsequent sins (transgressions against the Law of Love and therefore against the perfect harmony in creation, for this harmony was the expression of the fulfilment of Divine Law).

The original sin and the countless sins that human souls would commit throughout the ages, together became a very active, unceasingly flowing source of darkness. With each transgression against God’s Law of True Love, the layer of darkness that weighs on creation grew thicker and more difficult to penetrate for the Light from God’s Heart, which incessantly makes its way into the human hearts.

This layer of darkness is what every human heart can perceive as the atmosphere of misery, sorrow, oppression, chaos, menace, unrest, dissatisfaction, uncertainty, insecurity and hopelessness that weighs on the world. This layer of darkness can be compared to a thick cloud of black smoke, to which more smoke is added by every transgression against Love for fellow creatures and for God Himself, and from which smoke can only be sucked away by every action, word, thought, feeling, desire and aspiration that is driven by sincere Love for a fellow creature and for God Himself and His Works and Plans.

The Holy Virgin already gave explanations in various appeals and texts concerning the ongoing struggle between the Light (God and the forces that are faithful to His dispositions and to the accomplishment of His Works and Plans) and the darkness (Satan and the forces in the world that collaborate towards the accomplishment of his works and plans of destruction). The most important of these texts are undoubtedly:

Ongoing appeals by the Mistress of all souls

Emergency appeal

Emergency revelation for the Last Times

as well as the essential analysis of God’s Law of True Love in Mary’s basic teaching entitled True Love.

In Her extremely important teaching Death sentence to the misery of the world the Queen of Heaven and earth mentioned as the principal factors causing and maintaining misery and suffering in the world:

  • any inclination to keep holding on to habits and propensities which keep drawing the soul towards vice and sin, or to the urge to keep violating God’s Law without any emotional involvement;
  • any lack of the soul’s regretting any former violations;
  • any lack of forgiveness and therefore inclination to lasting resentment and vengefulness;
  • any inclination to selfishness and greed;
  • any inclination to arrogance, pride and self-elevation;
  • any inclination to exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses of fellow creatures with the intention of harming them or making them suffer;
  • any indifference, insensitivity or lack of interest towards the fate, the needs and suffering of any fellow creatures;
  • any inclination to hate, any urge to cause destruction and the will to inflict suffering, misery and even death upon fellow creatures;
  • any maltreatment, torture, any form of abuse of fellow creatures, rape, any neglect of fellow creatures, any form of humiliation, mockery, torment, open signs of distrust or aversion, any slander or gossip;
  • any manifestation of racism and any form of discrimination;
  • genocide and the extermination of animal species;
  • any manifestation of materialism with any resulting situations such as e.g. exploitation and slavery;
  • any preference for the satisfaction of material interests over the 'higher things';
  • any disposition that is likely to promote the outbreak and waging of wars and seemingly justifies any wrongs ensuing from war, among others deceitful propaganda and disinformation;
  • any sedition of fellow people, groups of people and nations to attitudes, aspirations and actions filled with darkness, seemingly justifying such darkness, sometimes abusing God as allegedly being the source of these attitudes, aspirations and actions;
  • any resistance, protest and discontent about the reality and/or one’s own place and role within creation;
  • creating one’s own fantasy world with its own laws, values and standards and justifying any darkness.

The Mother of God now calls for the channels which prove most fruitful for the accomplishment of the plans and works of the darkness in the world to be summarized in the following enumeration, which She designates as

the main sowers of dark dispositions, thoughts and desires,
which, together, have made the darkness take root in creation
and have made this darkness increasingly more oppressing:

1. A materialistic attitude towards life, by which countless millions of souls all over the world lead their lives with material possessions and enrichment as their primary (often as their only) goal and purpose in life. This attitude towards life is not only an abundant source of the most various vices (including callous competition, theft, deceit, all forms of exploitation, etcetera), but also on a large scale results in the disruption of ecosystems and profound disruption of the order established by our God (large-scale deforestation, unbridled environmental pollution and therefore large-scale threats to healthy living environments, extermination of countless animal species, etcetera, all this with a view to achieving financial gains in the most various ways). In many of Her teachings the Queen of Heaven has referred to the disruptive effects of materialism on the spiritual state of our world.

Reply by the Light: The Holy Virgin most emphatically urges that as many souls as possible should focus much more intensely on God, on the fulfilment of His Works and on all interests of spiritual life and should break with the idea that material (ultimately financial) profits would be the true meaning and purpose of life on earth. For many human souls the material things of life become idols that lead them very far away from their true (God-given) mission in life and thus contribute immensely to the darkening of the world.

2. Selfishness, by which countless millions of souls all over the world live mainly or exclusively for the satisfaction of their own supposed needs and interests. This disposition almost automatically leads to a great inclination to jealousy and envy, automatically gives birth to the most varied forms of dishonesty, and creates a great inclination to put down fellow creatures (often by means of slander, false accusations, insinuations, etcetera). Selfishness is pre-eminently an unnatural condition, since God has expressly designed the human soul as a being that should naturally feel that she is essentially part of an all-encompassing system, and that she is therefore naturally called to contribute to the welfare of the entire system, instead of claiming everything for herself.

Reply by the Light: The Holy Virgin most emphatically urges that as many souls as possible should live from a spontaneous inclination to serve, help and support in a self-denying manner all their fellow creatures, without exception, in bearing their trials, in short, to be a refuge and a support for all their fellow creatures in the difficulties of life on earth.

3. Deeply rooted dissatisfaction, by which countless millions of souls all over the world live in a state of dissatisfaction with the most various situations and events in their lives. This condition easily leads to inflicting harm on fellow creatures on the basis of insensitivity to their well-being and their feelings (torment, physical, moral and material damage – even theft) and an inclination to fill inner emptiness by all kinds of actions that are supposed to generate 'kicks', including all kinds of addictions and the conscious elimination of moral inhibitions (resulting, among other things, in sexual excesses and all kinds of criminality that is committed without much inhibition because countless souls seek compensation for the many things they believe are unjustly denied them).

In this disposition the soul loses all inner warmth, and therefore any kind of sweet temper and softness. Discontent also takes away all brightfulness (which is the Light of the soul). Discontent automatically gives birth to pessimism, the state in which the soul primarily sees and expects bad or unpleasant developments in every aspect of life. Let us not lose sight of the fact that the Mistress of all souls, among other things in The Brooklets of Salvation has shown very clearly that, for example, tormenting animals is primarily the bitter fruit of dissatisfaction that is taken out by human souls on fellow creatures who are deemed or perceived to be in a weaker position. This applies not only to the countless cases of animal abuse that occur daily in this world, but also to all forms of torment towards fellow human beings. Many people believe that they can, and are allowed to, compensate for their dissatisfaction with countless things in their lives by subjecting fellow creatures to conditions through which these creatures also have to endure suffering (the attitude of 'I don’t get everything I want, so you have no right to feel happy either'). The delusion of a soul that she could be satisfied if she could ensure that fellow creatures experience suffering through her actions, is a direct consequence of the fact that this soul has allowed Satan to imprint his signature on her.

This is a clear example of how, at the instigation of the darkness, one sin always attracts another, or how darkness generates ever more darkness: the snowball effect of the works of the darkness in the world.

Reply by the Light: The Holy Virgin most emphatically urges that as many souls as possible should learn to regard, understand and accept everything in their lives as the dispositions from a God who only aims at the highest possible Eternal Bliss for all souls. Moreover, the Mistress of all souls has for many years emphasized the immense value of trying to experience sincere brightfulness (a heart filled with Light) and softness (a heart filled with warmth). For many years She has been calling brightfulness the Light of the soul, and softness the warmth of the soul. Without spontaneous brightfulness and softness in the soul, all true hope in this soul will die. Without true hope life becomes colorless and dark. When this happens on a large scale, as we can see in the world with countless millions of human souls, the whole world becomes darkened and the power of the darkness over the developments in the world turns into a monster that causes terrible amounts of destruction.

4. Pride and an inclination towards self-elevation, by which countless millions of souls everywhere in the world imagine themselves to be higher, better, greater, wiser, more valuable or more important than any other fellow creature, a condition which can develop to such an extent that the soul begins to regard itself as the center of her entire living environment and even of the world at large. Usually this condition is accompanied by the conviction that the soul’s own ideas and expectations with regard to life and the world are the only correct ones (the delusion of the soul that she herself is perfect, and that therefore every fellow creature is or must be subordinate to her).

Because of this, countless souls also tend to persistently resist all decrees of Divine Providence on their path through life. This disposition almost automatically opens the door to the debasement of every fellow creature. God has left His signature in every creature. Consequently no creature should ever be considered unworthy.

Pride also prevents the soul from truly forgiving a fellow creature that may have done her wrong. Often it is pride that sows in a soul a lasting grudge against fellow creatures, and in many cases gives rise to a desire for revenge, whereby darkness is answered with more darkness. It is to a large extent the proud souls that help to maintain the power the darkness wields over this world.

In this connection, the Queen of Heaven also points out that in this age Satan is increasingly 'infecting' souls with the poison of narcissism. Narcissism is characterized by an 'inflated self-image', in other words: The soul considers herself extremely important, the center of everything, and has an immense need to be admired. Narcissism is therefore a very pronounced form of self-elevation and morbidly great conceit, in which the soul lives under the illusion that she has a unique mission in the world, that she is absolutely indispensable and that nothing good can ever happen without her. In our modern world many key positions are held by souls with a narcissistic personality. These souls are used by Satan in his attempts to disrupt the entire world, to undermine harmony within and between states and to constantly threaten world peace.

Reply by the Light: The Holy Virgin most emphatically urges that as many souls as possible should live in spontaneous self-abasement, meaning: learn to regard themselves as (relatively) unimportant and not as a being that counts in itself, but as a being that lives only at the service of the fulfilment of God’s Plan for the establishment of His Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice among all creatures. Blessed therefore is the soul that knows how to put her own position, role and importance within creation spontaneously and sincerely into perspective and profoundly understands that she is merely an infinitely small cog within the whole of creation.

God has sowed this attitude of humility and of putting into perspective the importance of one’s own individual being as a spontaneous inclination in every human soul because all human souls together must help unlock His Plan of Salvation, and this can only happen to the extent that every soul regards herself as a servant, and not as a being worthy of being served.

5. The inclination to replace the objective reality by one’s own perceptions and desires, to start living in accordance with this pseudo reality of one’s own design and to deny and fight against actual reality. Many people in this world have such a hard time with the way their lives are going that they tend to escape into a self-made world of their own ideas and expectations. They make their own laws, norms and values and live according to those self-made laws, norms and values, and expect their fellow creatures to respect these very same laws, norms and values.

When this inclination grows to a pathological degree, we are dealing with regular insanity: Insanity is nothing other than a condition of mind and of emotional life in which a human soul no longer adapts to the needs of her life and her living environment and therefore spiritually flees into her own world of personal ideas, which has little or nothing to do with the true, objective reality of her life and her living environment and of the world as a whole. It is no wonder that in our modern world more and more cases of mental illness appear to occur, since Satan eagerly uses this weapon to tear human souls away from the fulfilment of their vocation in life that God expects of them as souls: to lead a life that is focused in every detail on the fulfilment of God’s Works, which cannot be fulfilled by a life that is led in an imaginary world that exists only in one’s own mind, like a fata morgana (a mirage in the desert).

The Queen of Heaven emphatically points out that fleeing into a self-made illusionary reality is equivalent to fleeing from the lifelong mission and vocation the soul has received from God, and that the only true reality consists of the entirety of the missions God gives to all human souls, for only the fulfilment of all these missions is able to bring God’s Plan of Salvation for all of creation to fruition. The fulfilment of all lifelong missions assigned by God to human souls together is basically nothing other than the fulfilment of the Divine Law.

A soul that begins to live in a world of her own imagination and expectations, with its own laws, norms and values, determines on her own what is sin or not, what belongs to her fellow creatures and what does not (usually this soul demands everything for herself and hardly even takes into account the fact that fellow creatures may even have any needs of their own, and most certainly do). Souls with such a disposition, who hold an influential position in political, economic or social life, are also easily inclined to make use of propaganda and large-scale lies and disinformation (= the deliberate spreading of incorrect, false information), and of sedition towards fellow human beings and groups against any force that is perceived as incompatible with their own perceptions and intentions. Let us be fully aware of the fact that this is precisely what characterizes dictatorships (autocratic regimes with an authoritarian leader who does not tolerate other opinions and usually suppresses them violently). Our current world also has a number of examples of this, resulting in heavy darkness.

Reply by the Light: The Holy Virgin most emphatically urges that all souls should arm themselves against rising inclinations to flee into their own world of ideas and thereby become totally unfruitful as an instrument for the accomplishment and development of God’s Works and Plans in the world. She also repeatedly pointed out that the deliberate spreading of disinformation and propaganda is considered by God to be a serious sin, because it intensely promotes the plans and works of the darkness to disrupt and destroy the world.

6. Every form of discrimination, including racism. Discrimination against fellow human beings, among other reasons based on their race, skin colour, social class or gender or religious belief, has been rampant in most societies throughout human history and spreading like a cancer. This condition is one of the pre-eminent channels through which the darkness disrupts the world, because expressions of discrimination and racism are among the most serious transgressions against God’s Law of self-denying Love and, moreover, manifest themselves very frequently throughout the world every day.

Throughout history, manifestations of discrimination and racism have given rise to extraordinarily serious crimes with countless millions of murders, large-scale persecution, mutilation, torture, ill-treatment in the most various forms, exploitation, defamation, wilful damage to property, unjustified condemnation of fellow human beings as inferior and therefore unbridled torment and abuse to the detriment of groups and entire peoples. Often this attitude is made into a kind of apparent justification for sadism towards fellow human beings, even towards non-human beings (because they are 'different' from the tormentor himself).

In the eyes of God discrimination and racism are among the most pronounced forms of deprivation of creatures’ inherent value and dignity (not only of the victims, but also of the perpetrators, who by this attitude lower themselves to the level of Satan himself and in every respect deny their origin in God’s Heart), and thus represent clear signs of the fact that a human soul has completely surrendered herself to the darkness and therefore totally denies her God and Creator.

The Queen of Heaven has already discussed the devastating effects of discrimination and racism in great detail in teachings such as, among others, The cradle of the darkness and Clouds over God’s paradise.

Reply by the Light: The Holy Virgin most emphatically urges that all souls should learn to spontaneously, whole-heartedly and unconditionally look at, and approach, all their fellow creatures as God Himself intended them to do: as beings who, like themselves, have received from God a specific mission in life with a view to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation on earth, and therefore as beings who are valuable instruments in the eyes of God Himself. Any discrimination and any expression of racism goes directly against the intentions harbored by God Himself.

7. Indifference (also with regard to one’s own faults and bad habits), lack of empathy with fellow creatures and with the 'needs' of God with a view to the full accomplishment and unlocking of His infallible Plans and Works on earth. Indifference is the disposition in which the soul shows no interest in the needs and requirements of her fellow creatures, the needs of God’s Plans and/or her own state of grace. By indifference the soul essentially testifies that God’s Love is immaterial to her and that she does not feel inclined to actively collaborate towards the accomplishment of God’s Works. The indifferent soul thereby makes herself a willing instrument in the clutches of the darkness.

Indifference easily gives rise to the most various forms of unloving behavior, including callously tormenting or harming fellow creatures, and to passivity in situations that threaten the common good. Indifference also paralyzes in the soul any impulse to repent for the mistakes she has made in her own life, and any injustice she may have done to fellow creatures (both humans and animals!). Repentance is an exceptionally powerful weapon against the darkness, as has been demonstrated in various teachings.

The indifferent soul ceases to be a bearer of Light, and thereby diminishes her own usefulness as an instrument for the accomplishment of God’s interests: a world filled with perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice, and free from all darkness.

Reply by the Light: The Holy Virgin most emphatically urges that all souls should consciously, actively and unconditionally commit themselves to the fulfilment of the Divine Law, first of all through spontaneous, sincere empathy with all their fellow creatures. Souls can only give concrete expression to this disposition by being a channel of help, support, encouragement, security, trust, reassurance and hope for each of their fellow creatures without exception. Any lack of empathy with fellow creatures is a torment to God’s Heart.


The soul that makes efforts to be a pure being and lead a pure life and truly wants to contribute to rendering all darkness and misery in the world ineffective, must first and foremost render the above-mentioned sowers of dark attitudes, thoughts and desires completely ineffective within herself. In essence, the attitude that God requires every human soul to adopt is reflected to a high degree in the teaching God’s deepest expectations and desires towards every human soul, which was inspired by the Mistress of all souls as the 'Basic philosophy of the Maria Domina Animarum Work'.

In the aforementioned teaching Death sentence to the misery of the world the Heavenly Queen demonstrated that the misery, the darkness in the world, can be expelled from the face of the earth by the human souls themselves by:

  1. sincere remorse over any violation committed against the Law of Love towards any fellow creature;
  2. sincere forgiveness to each and every fellow creature considered by the soul to be guilty of any damage or suffering inflicted upon her;
  3. selfless Love, help, assistance and service to each and every fellow creature;
  4. empathy with the heart of all fellow creatures with a view to being able to fully support them in all of their vulnerabilities and weaknesses;
  5. respect for the life and dignity of all living beings;
  6. spiritualization, i.e. first and foremost living for the 'higher things', whereas the material interests and needs are consistently regarded and treated as subordinate;
  7. contentment and acceptance as to one’s own place and role within creation, and acceptance of the way one’s own life develops.

The soul that spontaneously and sincerely makes these seven elements permanent components of her attitude to life actively contributes to a definitive breaking of the power the darkness wields over the world, for in her own life she no longer gives a chance to dispositions and actions that are used on a large scale in the world for the accomplishment of its dark plans and works of suffering, misery, chaos, insecurity, injustice, threat, destruction and death.

In this present teaching the Holy Virgin Mary, the Mistress of all souls, has shown souls the way to the concrete implementation of a major Rescue plan of God for the world. The souls must do this first and foremost by bringing the appropriate dispositions to full bloom in every detail of their daily lives and in every contact with any fellow creature, and by radically uprooting within themselves everything that is not compatible with these dispositions and not giving it any chance to bloom (ever again).
In addition to a spontaneous and persistent experience of the right dispositions, the souls can make use of a number of prayers that are invested with the grace to help unlock the power of the Light once and for all and thereby undermine the countless works of the darkness in this world for good and to nullify their effects. This is the true accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation: the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, and thus the rebirth of the lost Earthly Paradise.

Rescue prayers

Below are some powerful prayers which can be used to help bring about the Plan of Salvation for this world presented by the Mistress of all souls.

First and foremost the Holy Virgin emphatically refers to Her collection of Emergency prayers serving the combat against evil.

Furthermore the following ten prayers are very useful as a contribution to the accomplishment of the Plan of Salvation presented by the Queen of Heaven. The full text of these prayers follows immediately below the listed titles:

  981. Consecration of all souls to Mary for the establishment of God’s
Kingdom on earth
1192. Chain Prayer to bring forward the establishment of God’s Kingdom
on earth
1493. Storm Prayer to Mary, Queen of the Last Times
1604. Storm Consecration to Mary
1641. Consecration of the world to the Most Holy Trinity
1665. Storm Prayer for the restoration of Peace
1678. Emergency call to Mary, the Woman of the Last Times
1679. Storm Prayer to unlock the power of the Cross
1712. Storm prayer to seal the world with the Cross
1714. Storm consecration to the Triune God to obtain the final
destruction of the realm of the darkness on earth

Here the full text of the ten prayers referred to above:


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Mary, powerful Queen of Heaven and earth and Mistress of all souls,
To You God has given a sovereign power over the darkness, in order that Satan and his following, and all expressions of evil and sin, may be humiliated underneath Your feet.
Therefore I give You the complete offering of myself in unity with the angels, of whom You have got full disposal with a view to the establishment of God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace on earth.
At Your feet I lay down all human souls, in order that You can shape them into warriors for the accomplishment of God’s Plan, the implementation of which was put under Your command.
At Your feet I lay down all souls in purgatory, so that they may praise and glorify You and sing the praises of Your victory until the hour in which they are allowed to enter into Paradise.
To Your feet I surrender all demons like trophies of Your power, in order that the hour of God’s Kingdom may be brought forward, for under Your feet the power of the darkness will be crushed.
With a view to making Your power shine to the remotest corners of God’s creation I consecrate to You all souls to be servants to the Woman who is to crush Satan’s head.

Invitation by the Mistress of all souls to Her Chain of Light

The Most Blessed Virgin Mary keeps repeating that the life of every soul has got but two purposes:
1. her own sanctification;
2. making her own contribution to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation, which must be crowned in the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Mary calls upon the souls of Her Chain of Light, those who have consecrated themselves totally to Her, to engage in a joint offensive of Light to bring forward the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Hence this invitation extended to all souls, to address on a daily basis as of today the following prayer to the Mistress of all souls, so that the Chain of Light may bring to bloom the seed of Eternal Spring, which was sown by Jesus’ Sacrifice on the Cross.

Heaven is waiting for the flowers of our hearts to expel from the earth the ill weeds of all works of darkness.

The coming of God’s Kingdom on earth now lies in our hands! Let us now jointly opt for a world in the fullness of Love and Peace of Christ, and without the misery of sin and darkness.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Mary, Queen of Heaven and Mother of the Divine Saviour,
I want to put my entire being and the entire path of my life at Your service, so that God’s Kingdom of perfect Love, peace and sanctity may soon be established. I ardently implore You:
Purify the inner states of all souls by the flow of God’s Love, so that every soul may henceforth love all her fellow creatures with a sincere and self-denying Love. Hail Mary...
Arouse in every soul the adamant will to let die within herself all and any sinful thoughts, feelings and wishes. Hail Mary...
Arouse in every soul an all-pervasive longing to bring forth works of Light, so that God’s Plan of Salvation for all of creation may soon be accomplished. Hail Mary...
Oh Mistress of my soul, deign to bury all my sacrifices, sufferings and trials in Your Heart, the Tabernacle of perfect sanctity and perfect Sorrows, and deign to unify me, in the fire of Your Immaculate Heart, with the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, the key to God’s Kingdom on earth.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, Queen of the Last Times, highest step on the staircase to the throne of the Most Holy Trinity,
God’s Great Sign for the rising of the Light in the world,
Immaculate Woman called by God to crush all works of darkness and their effects in the world under Your foot,
Stainless holy Gateway of God’s Kingdom on earth,
I implore Your most powerful intermediary for the advancement of the final victory of God and His Works of Love, Light and Peace over all darkness in this world.
Therefore, be the infallible inner Guide in the hearts, so as to promote a profound purification of everything which stands in the way of a full bloom of God’s Law in the world.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, my powerful Heavenly Mistress, God’s most sublime Work of Wonder,
I surrender to You my entire life and my entire being.
Before You I profess my desire to serve You perfectly through all my actions and omissions, all of my thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations, in order that, today, I may fulfil God’s Law of true self-denying Love in everything and that the garden of my soul may truly be fruitful for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Do accept the offering of myself and of this all-pervasive desire, and do reinforce and sanctify it by Your perfect Love, so that today, owing to Your total rule over my entire being and over my journey through life, and over all my relationships and contacts, I may make a positive difference for the life of each and every fellow creature Divine Providence may allow access to my path through life.
May I, through being all Yours, be a source of warmth, Light and Peace and a balm soothing the hearts of all my fellow creatures, and may a Light shine inside of me, nourished by the unlimited power of Your Love and by my will to serve only God’s Works and Plans, so much so that even my deepest and most secret dispositions may contribute to accomplishing the final defeat of the darkness in this world.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

My God, I love You so dearly, in every sign of sincere Love in this world, in every animal, in every flower, in every tree, in every beam of sunlight, in every drop of rain, in every beam of moonlight, in the countless beauties and signs of Your Presence and Your signature of perfect Love in creation.
Against this background I give You every trace of darkness, of lack of Love and of indifference with which human souls have defiled, harmed or destroyed the Love and Light in this world through all and any darkness they have inflicted upon fellow creatures and are still inflicting upon them today.
Through the perfectly holy hands of the Holy Virgin Mary, who by virtue of Her everlasting state of not being defiled by sin was predestined by You to be the Leader of the hosts of the Light, I consecrate this world and its darkness:
● to You, Eternal Father, Maker of the world and of all living beings,
Do accept every expression of Love in this world as a tool for You to thwart the destructive force of each and every expression of disloyalty from human souls towards Your Laws and commandments and towards their vocation as reflections of Your Heart, in order that no creature in this world, be it human or animal, may ever again have to experience a human soul as being a representative and a tool of Satan.
● to You, Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father, Redeemer of every soul who whole-heartedly merges her will with the Will of God,
May every trial, every cross and all sufferings of all creatures that have ever lived in this world and of all those who are still living in it, enveloped in the Love inside my heart and united with the absolutely perfect Love and the everlasting Sorrows of Mary, along with the infinite merits of Your lifelong Sufferings as the Man-God, be entrusted by You to the fire of Love in the Heavens, from which are prepared the graces to render all darkness in this world ineffective.
● to You, Holy Spirit, Force that is intent on keeping God’s Law alive in every heart,
May every one of the countless deviations from true Love creatures of all times have ever fallen prey to or are still victims of, in all its ugliness and with all of its destructive effects be made visible to every heart that has too little or no Love at all for its fellow creatures and God’s Works.
Most Holy Triune God, united with the Queen of Heaven and earth I offer You my entire life and my entire being with everything that ever lived or is still alive inside of me, as an offering intended to crush every work of darkness and to obtain a complete restoration of the sacred harmony You established within and between the creatures when You made the world, in order that this world may very soon totally, undividedly, unconditionally and finally be Your Kingdom of Love, Peace, Justice and happiness,
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

The following prayer was inspired on March 4, 2022 on the occasion of the Russian-Ukranian war.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Almighty God, only Source of true happiness,
I implore You to totally humiliate any force of darkness which inspires human souls to wage war, to chase after worldly values and worldly possessions to the detriment of their fellow creatures, and to sow death, misery and in any way damage their brothers and sisters in You, who are the Creator of a world of perfect Love, Peace and harmony.
For this I implore You by virtue of the omnipotence of the Sacrifice of Redemption brought by Your crucified and risen Son Jesus Christ, and by virtue of the unparalleled power of the intercession of the Holy Virgin Mary, whom You predestined to be a Great Sign against the power wielded by the darkness over human souls.
May the everlasting omnipotence of true Love be glorified by a rapid restoration of true Peace in Your Creation,
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, immaculately conceived and eternally virginal Mother of the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ,
God foresaw You as the Woman who will crush all works and plans of the darkness under Her feet.
I implore You, do bring to light all works wrought by the darkness and all plans ripened in the darkness, and do render them ineffective once and for all. Do also pervade with the Light of a perfect understanding and a genuine and unconditional remorse the hearts through which the darkness has been allowed to bring these works and plans into the world, in order that the total and final victory of God’s Light and Love may soon manifest itself.
This supplication I am bringing before You from an all-pervading desire for the glorification of the omnipotence of the perfect Love from the Creator of all things, and under the seal of the Blood of His Divine Son Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Jesus Christ, Divine Redeemer of sinful mankind,
Through Your total and unconditional self-sacrifice You invested the Cross with an everlasting omnipotence over all effects of all works and plans the darkness is trying to accomplish through human souls.
That is why I put my entire being and my entire journey through life undividedly and unconditionally at the service of fulfilling the Divine Law of true Love, in order that the Light generated by Your Sacrifice on the Cross may pervade the darkness so powerfully that no shadow is left to produce its effects.
May this Light unlock the hearts and spirits of all human souls, so that they may promptly turn their backs on any works and plans the darkness will try to accomplish in them, through them and in the world.
May the sign of the Cross seal the whole world and every human heart, so as to finally destroy all and any effects the works and plans of the darkness has been sowing all over the world.
May every soul who has been putting her works and her entire inner life at the service of the darkness radically convert to the Light and to its Works of deliverance for the benefit of this world, in order that God’s Promise of a world of perfect Love and Peace may soon bloom and the darkness may finally lose its grip on mankind, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, powerful Mother of the crucified and risen Man-God Jesus Christ,
You have received from God an unlimited power to unlock within the human souls the Legacy from the Works of Redemption wrought by the Christ.
I implore You with all my might: May through Your intermediary with the almighty God the irresistible effects of the Works of Redemption be sown all over the world and upon all creatures like a cross which completely paralyzes all darkness in the world.
Do spread the Cross of Jesus Christ across the world and across all human hearts like a

seal that makes God’s creation inaccessible to
the devastating influences from the darkness.

Do seal the world and all human hearts with the Cross of the Light and of the fullness of the Truth which puts all lies, deception, delusion, insincerity and propaganda to shame.
Do seal the world and all human hearts with the Cross of the fire of unlimited self-denying Love, which burns any inclination to bring suffering and misery upon creatures, peoples and states.
Do seal the world and all human hearts with the Cross of the Blood of all sufferings and trials of Jesus Christ and of all creatures in the whole world and in all times. I offer You all these sufferings and trials for the completion of God’s Works and for the establishment of His Kingdom of true Love and Peace on earth, in order that no part of it may be lost as raw materials for His perfect constructions in creation and that not one single creature in this world may ever have suffered in vain.
May all sufferings sustained by all creatures in all times be turned against the darkness by this seal, and may the collapse of the realm of the darkness be advanced. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

My almighty Triune God, Eternal Father, Redeemer and Messiah Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit,
With a heart filled with the desire to render total, unconditional and lifelong service to the immaculately conceived, eternally sinless Holy Virgin Mary, the Queen of creation whom You have chosen and elevated above all, and under Her guidance and protection, I prostrate myself before You in order to conclude with You the sacred covenant of eternal surrender to You and to Your Works and Plans.
Through my total service to Mary I give You all actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations of my entire life, in order that they may be used to help undermine the works and plans of the darkness in this world.
Through my unconditional submission to Mary I profess my total submission to You as the only true Owner of creation, in order that my submission may help break the power and arrogance of the prince of darkness in this world.
Through my aspiring to offer an unlimited Love to Mary I want to give You all the Love that can be prepared from the seed You Yourself have provided my soul with in the hour of her conception and which has been nourished and sprinkled by every element of grace You have granted me all along my path through life, in order that my heart may, for the entire remainder of my life, be an unequivocal sign against Satan and his works, which with such hate are geared against all Light and warmth You keep trying to make bloom in the world.
Do take my entire journey through life and my entire being up into Your Heart, oh my only God, for Yours I want to be for all eternity, so that my life and my being may permanently bear witness against the realm of the darkness and the latter may soon experience its final collapse under the irresistible power of true Love. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).